Satirical Book

A big amount of books about satire are written where the authors want to spread their believe and opinions in a satirical way that might motivate the audience to do what he or she want them to do. There are many famous satire authors like Jonathan Swift, Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen Colbert, George Orwell, etc...  The most famous by far of all twentieth-century political allegories is Animal Farm by George Orwell. The story is full of satire. The theme and the message is that power cannot be divided equally. Orwell attacks the Russian Communism. He uses humorous animal allegory. Orwell combines political purpose with artistic purpose to voice his belief. The characters are portrayed as animals and the human characters are not fully developed. The animals are revolting against human masters. In the story, it is impossible for everyone to be equal. There will always be a leader and there will always be followers.  The goal is to get people to think for themselves and have faith in their beliefs.